Bulletin of the ICA

cover of the bulletin of the ICA
ISSN: 2689-0674 (Online)
ISSN: 1183-1278 (Print)
Indexed on: Scopus, MathSciNet.

The Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications has been published since 1991. Currently, three volumes per year are published. In 2024, the three volumes are 100, 101 and 102.

The Bulletin is edited by three editors-in-chief, namely, Marco Buratti, Donald Kreher and Ortrud Oellermann.

Starting with Volume 79 in 2017, research articles published in BICA are diamond open access. This means that there are no publication charges for authors and .pdf reprints can be downloaded from here free of charge by anyone.

Each volume of BICA also includes additional content, such as conference reports and announcements, that is only available to ICA members and BICA subscribers.

Annual subscriptions to BICA (three volumes per year) are available for 180 USD per year. An electronic subscription to BICA is automatically included with membership in the ICA; complete .pdf copies of BICA are made available to ICA members at the following link. Effective from Volume 103 onwards, members who wish to receive a printed copy of the Bulletin can choose to receive one for a nominal fee:

  • 50 USD/year (90 USD/two years, 125 USD/three years) for Fellows, Associate Fellows, and Members
  • 30 USD/year for those with lifetime membership or who are retired.
These substantial discounts on the normal subscription rate will be in effect until at least 2027. When you are next invoiced, or by 1 June 2025, whichever comes first, members should indicate to the Registrar their choice of whether to receive a printed copy (and pay the associated fee) or not. Members who do not choose a printed Bulletin, or who do not pay the associated fee, will not receive one after Volume 103. Before that time, if you wish to receive only the electronic version, please send email to the Registrar, Bryan Freyberg (frey0031@d.umn.edu). Manuscripts should be submitted to Marco Buratti:bica@the-ica.net. News of interest to the ICA membership, including conference announcements and reports, can be sent to Jeff Dinitz.

Tables of contents of back issues of the BICA prior to Volume 79 can be found here.

The cover design of BICA is shown to the left. The graph on the cover is known as the Tutte-Coxeter graph or the Tutte eight-cage. Bill Tutte was the first president of the ICA, serving in that role from 1990 to 1996.